SEO: Title tag and meta description

Editor November 16, 2018 0 Comments

Atitle tag and meta description is a simple HTML element that tells search engines and browsers a short description about web page that you searching for. The title tag is required in all HTML/XHTML documents and is one of the key on-page SEO elements. The meta description is an HTML element also that provides a short summary of a web page. Titles and descriptions give users a quick insight into the content of the web page and how it might be relevant to their query. It is often the primary piece of information with the meta description that is noticed by users to decide which search result to click on, so it’s important to use high-quality, meaningful and unique titles when you optimize your web pages.

Here are the best practice for writing title tags and meta descriptions:

Step #1: Length of the title tag

Generally the tag should be between 50-70 characters long. Try to avoid ALL CAPS titles, as it can be hard for users to read. Some characters actually take up more space. A character like uppercase “W” is wider than a lowercase character like “i” or “t”.
Also, keep in mind that longer titles may work better for social sharing in some cases, and some titles are just naturally long.

Step #2: Keywords

Try to avoid overwriting a keywords in one title, such as:
Online tickets, Cheap tickets, Best tickets, Buy tickets
This kind of titles can create bad user experience about your website.

Do not use a category list in your title tag, as it has very little information and unique value. Here is an unwanted example:
Brand | Higher Product Category – Lower Product Category – Product

Step #3: Default title tag!

Do not use default titles for every page, try to create unique and relevant title for each page, as it will help search engines understand that the content you provide is unique and valuable.

Step #4: Meta description length!

The meta description can be any length, but be aware that Google usually cuts off up to 150-160 symbols. So, try not to cross this length to have a clear and meaningful description.

Step #5: Relevant content!

Meta description is also an important part of on site SEO, and you will use search-oriented content there, as Google and other search engines bold the keywords when they match search queries.

Step #5: Unique descriptions!

Be aware, as with title tags, do not use same description more than for one page, cause it will create bad user experience if the SERP displays 2 or more results of your website.

There is many principles that you should follow to have a best rank in SERP. So, try to fit the requirements of search engines and you will have a higher rank in SERP.

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